Temporary Hiatus


I’m going to make the intro short and hop straight into the meat of things. Although I said I wouldn’t make a post on the first week of the month, this post will be an exception. I had other responsibilities and issues that needed to be taken care of. I’m also going to make this post short since I broke my glasses and currently can’t see that well (not going to let that stop me though)

If you don’t know what a hiatus is, its a word meaning there’s a “pause” in or of something


I’m just going bluntly tell things as they are like I have been this entire time. To keep it real with you I’ve tried creating 3 different post for Episode 5. One was going to be about how music Influences people and there mindset, the second attempt was going to be about responsibility, and the last attempt was me trying to explain my past and how far I’ve come. Each and every one of them felt forced. Its almost like my mind has put up a mental barrier (façade) and has hindered me from speaking my truth. I can still get my point across but it seems scripted more than anything and that’s the very thing I didn’t want to happen when writing these post. There’s no point of trying to force something out so I’m just going to take some time and short through some things mentally before I’m able to have an “Abunndance” of information to pour unto you. Think of this hiatus as another layer of foundation being add to prevent the original vision from crumbling. Altering the vision is fine and all but like said I want to be truthful with nothing to hide when making these and I feel as if forcing something out isn’t the way to go about things. Even writing this hiatus status feels way more natural than the things I’ve attempted to make for episode five. All the other episodes have come from within and felt natural to write so like said I’m just going to take some time for me to find myself and remove this mental barrier (I know I’m saying “like said” a lot but its me, its either that or “literally”)

Another reason why I’m taking a hiatus is because I have to focus on finals and passing my classes. I’m also in a transition point between majors from Construction engineering Technology to Music Industry and I have to put all my time and focus into that this summer. Also going to be finding ways to support my self financially and so ill be working and taking summer classes. Basically all I’m saying is I’m taking time to focus on me and my responsibilities


I know its unfortunate that ill be taking a break from writing these but like said it just feels forced at this point and I want to be able to write these like your actually watching an unedited YouTube video (Because the end goal for me at least is to convert from blogs to YouTube videos eventually). By no means does this mean I’m quitting Jr’s post. I have had a keen passion and love for writing these and a lot of you seem to enjoy reading these as well, but i have to shift gears and focus on me for the time being

I thank you for your support and understanding and time. Hopefully you’ll here from me soon!!!



Ps: Im kinda getting tired of puting “Melvin Bunn” as my signiture finish so whenever i come back from the hiatus im permenatly going to close off with the initials “MB” plus its more closer to whart my signiture looks like in real life

PPs: im not grammer correcting this so now you can see how bad i type before i go through and correct everthing. not bad for not having glassies on.

PPPs: Here’s a song that got me through a lot back in the past, hope it helps you out on your journey…


Bunn's World