Episode 4: Action


Tbh with you I didn’t know what to write about at first. I’m trying relate the post things that’s happening with my life right now so you can better experience my journey. The reason why I choose the word “Action” was because that’s something I’m still struggling with. I had gotten custom shirts for my birthday more than a year ago and I’m just now starting to sell them. I kept telling myself that I would sell them eventually but I never did. Fast forward to today, I ran out of money and I had to make a choice, either sell the shirts or starve (I sold them btw). It took more than a year for me to take “Action” and I’m mad at myself that I didn’t start sooner. It took my father more than 25 years to write his books all because he didn’t take “Action” and he regrets that he didn’t take action sooner. We have major tycoons like Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone… literally ask any successful person that’s achieved what they wanted to achieve if they wished they started sooner and I can almost guarantee you that every single one of them would say yes.


I urge you, because the more you wait, the more you’ll regret it, and you don’t ever want to get to the point where your forced to take action. Get out your comfort zone, stop slandering yourself and JUST TAKE ACTION, and once you do take action remain consistent and committed. I’m going to link Shai LaBeouf this week so you can get some inspiration from someone other than me.

The Wall

There’s a massive wall stopping me from achieving the things I need and want to do and it might be the same case for you as well. Its something can’t be avoid, but something that must be overcome. If not taken care of, it can be the difference between success and failure. The name of this wall is called “Action”. There are many things that are inside this metaphorical wall called “Action”. Comfort, Mentality and Commitment are the main three that must be taken care of until you even begin to conquer the wall.


To be blunt, you MUST get out of your comfort zone before you can even dream of taking action. As my pastor, DaRan Johnson, always tells me and the rest of the congregation, “Get comfortable being uncomfortable…” He has a great visual picture going into depth about the comfort zone which can be found by clicking this link (Yeah I still cant find a way to add pictures yet through this editor yet, but I’m still giving credit where credit is due)


When ever I had the idea of making these post, I didn’t start immediately. I actually sat on the idea for a long time unfortunately. I kept making excesses on why I shouldn’t make these post, some being “what if I’m looked down upon”, “what if no one cares”, “what if people see me another way”. I recommend silencing that voice and filling your head with positivity. It took a lot of my will power to silence the voice inside of my head and actually take a step forward in making the first post. Now that I’ve started consistently making these post I don’t regret a thing and none of the things I’ve mentioned above has happened. People don’t look down on me but actually look up to me for inspiration from these post. People actually find enjoyment reading these post are eager for the next one. I’m seen in a better light since I’m opening up to people through these post and being myself. I do know that someday eventually there will be a time when people will hate on these post and say negative things about it but it doesn’t matter because I’ve learned that the only person I need to please is myself. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks at the end of the day, as long as you love what you do, then that’s all you need. Your inner voice might say otherwise but you only need to satisfy yourself.


Once you do take action you must be committed and remain consistent. You can’t just expect to get in shape by going to the gym once and get a six pack (unless you have an extremally fast metabolism like me (still doesn’t change the fact that I have to consistently remain active to keep it!!!)) You have to be consistent and committed before you even see the fruits of your labor. Once you start something new, your not going to be good at it at first unless your a prodigy. Looking back at my first post I didn’t think that I would be able to improve as much as I have, and its all because I’ve remained consistent and the more I make these post the better I will get. Its the same for you too. The more you do that thing your doing the more you’ll improve but it won’t matter unless your consistent with it and remain committed.

Ask yourself these questions…

How/what did I spend my time doing today?

What did I accomplish today/did I accomplish the things I needed to do?

What can I do today that will make me better than the person I was yesterday?


The one thing I want you to get out of this post is to take action. Stop making excesses and make it happen. Conquer your wall and reap the rewards on the other side. Your not alone in this journey of yours. Take action on the things that’s going to embetter your life. The sooner you take action the less you’ll regret it. Whether it may be quitting smoking/drinking, going to the gym, investing for retirement, getting that one guy or girls number, cleaning your room, starting your business, doing your homework…the list can go on forever. Get out your comfort zone, stop doubting yourself and commit. The future you will thank you. As I always like to tell people, “I would rather not live a life of regret”.

Thank you for taking the time out your day to read this 🙂

Melvin Bunn






There is no Ps this time…


Lol just figured out how to add Spotify links and pictures on accident, but…

There Are No Accidents | Know Your Meme

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