Episode 3: Time

I figured out how to adjust the font size…

This was something I was trying to figure out for a good while. This is a pro, but one con is that WordPress updated so I now have to take the time to learn this new editing format, meaning that I wont be able to add any pictures for a good while (Which is a shame since I wanted to add some visual aspect)

Speaking of time…

I decided not to post last week because I wanted to take some time to take care of my school work and to take care of myself (Self love)

Thinking of self care sparked an idea. I am now going to link a song of my choosing in these post. The more you surround yourself with positivity you yourself will become positive. If you surround yourself with smart people you will become smarter. Surround yourself with people that want to improve, you yourself will improve. I believe that music has the same impact on your emotional and mental state. music is a powerful thing. As Oak Felder, the person who produced Demi Lovato’s song, “Sorry Not Sorry“, says, “Music is a conduit of emotion” Alongside Demi’s song this week I’m going to add “I” by Kendrick Lamar from his album To Pimp A Butterfly. Who knows, next week I might link an artist you might have never known.

That was a tangent from what I actually wanted to talk about but I already said in the beginning that I’m not going to put a façade on when making these post. I might go more into depth on that another day but back to the main topic…


How much time do you think you have to waste in your life? Some say 5 years, while others say as little as 2 years. I know this generations attention span is short so Ill link a 2 minute video here explaining the amount of time people have. Life isn’t something that should be taken for granted and its too short to waste even a second of it. I love Japanese Animation, more known as “Anime”. I’ve been watching it ever since I was around 12 or 13. One of my favorite series to watch is a show called One Piece. I wont go into what its about or try to convince you to watch it (Unless you want me to) but just know that this show has over 1000 episodes. Each episode of anime is about 20 minutes not including the intro and outro. (Though it varies per anime lets just use 20 minutes for argument sake… back to One Piece)

Doing the math 1000 ep x 20 min = 20000 min

60 min = 1 hour

24 hour= 1 day

60 min x 24 hour=1440 min per day

20000 min/1440 min per day= 13.88 days= 2 weeks of solid One Piece, not including sleep, eating or doing anything else at all. Just purely One Piece

Also I’m so sorry for making this a math problem but bear with me…

I’ve watched so much anime that it has accounted for approximately 1.3 percent of my life (0.012973 x 100), which is approximately 95 days of pure anime. How old was I when I ran this calculation?


I’m not telling you to not watch anime. Do what you want. I’m just telling you to be mindful of your time. Do what you love to do because to me this wasn’t a waste. Its aligned with my core vision to compose for a Japanese’s animation one day and it helps me out by listening to different anime soundtracks and enjoying life. I’m not saying to not live life to the fullest, I’m just trying to get you to be more concessions of what you do with your time and how you spend it. Ever since I’ve done the calculations I’m now monitoring the amount of time I watch anime. Unlike most people I don’t have social media so that gives me a little bit more time to work on my physical and mental well being, it gives me more time to do the things I need and want to do. That’s me though and I know that everybody is different. Just be mindful of the time you spend and cherish the moments and people you hold dear. Never feel as if you’ve wasted your time. As my father always tells, “time waits on no man”

That’s all I had for this post. I feel as if I’m getting better at organizing my ideas. I also feel as if I’ve found a good way to incorporate music and wellbeing together. Now the next step for me to do is to continue to self improve myself that way I’ll have an “Abunndance” of knowledge to give. I’ll end of this post by saying this…

We are built off of failure, its best to learn from someone who’s failed 1000’s of times so you don’t have to…

Till Next Time

Melvin Bunn



Side note, I might just start calling you all the “TNT” gang, since I’m expecting explosive things to happen in your life. Not literally…figuratively (I would rather not catch a case…)

Also, the answer to my age problem is as follows:

95 days/0.012973%/365 days=20 years




Bunn's World