Episode 1: Pilot

Hey, how’s it going? My name is Melvin Bunn but this email probably says “Mbunn Beats” right? Plot twist…that’s also me.
Surprised? Yeah me neither…

Mbunn Beats is a beat channel on YouTube that I recently made. It might not be as good as Lo-fi girl or trap nation yet, but ill build my way up there eventually. I also have another channel called “Abunndance” which will serve to teach people about music related topics and promote general wellbeing. I keep saying ill make videos but its finally time I put my words into action. I like to practice what I preach so almost everything that I say will be things I’m doing or have done before. Might as well keep it real instead of putting on a façade, I hope you’ll soon realize that I am a blunt person (not Gordan Ramsey blunt, but close enough…)

Like the title says this is the start of my journey (My pilot episode), I don’t plan on success to happen overnight nor do I expect success to come to me on a silver plater. I want you to join me on my journey as I continue to learn and grow as a person and I hope that you too will take initiative to learn and grow along side me. I’m looking forward to seeing where this will go

Till Next Time…
Melvin Bunn

Ps:(In the middle of typing this all out, I realized that I wanted to make this a post instead of an email so just pretend you’ve just opened an email that had “Mbunn Beats” as a header. I also realize that I could have just edited the text but 1: I don’t want my inner perfectionist to take over and redo everything, I wanted everything as raw as possible anyways (no façade) 2: its two in the morning and I’m tryna sleep soon 3: it made for a decent Segway…I said decent not perfect!!!)

Bunn's World